Janet Pearlman

Living in the Stream of Yes

Courage and Recovery

Grace Heart Moves, Diptych 30 x 40, Acrylic with Texture on Canvas

Grace Heart Moves 2012

When in distress, it is so easy to let the habit run to review the problem. My best advice is to keep my attention on what I do want, not to think over what is not going as I prefer. I do not recommend looking for a “solution” while upset by what is happening. Instead I think it best to let it go and come back around to it when refreshed and in a good mood. This past week I had occasion to reach for the will to follow this course. Over the last ten days or so I had something in my leg that changed my gait and felt uncomfortable. I wanted it to lift off in a day or two and when it did not, I focused on it some more. I felt myself scanning for something I did “wrong” to cause this. I felt tired, I focused more. I had some moments of lower mood.

I did my habit and that of the culture around me– I got upset and focused on it for a bit. What can I do when I catch myself doing this state?  How can I help myself? First,  I make it ok. On my life path I will have some discomforts. I felt slowed down, slept more, enjoyed my food, rested. Reading novels held alot of appeal. Calling on Imagined Figures of Protection and Support, I brightened my mood and I paid attention to what things small or large assisted a lift in spirits. I loved the way I felt after yoga class, the revitalization coming through a mist of discomfort. I dub this episode one of recovery, rest and healing. I learn more about healing. I refine my healing visualizations and get better acquainted with my Forces of Protection.

Today my leg looks and feels improved. Boy does that feel great– to experience healing after a period of tension, fear and drag… When I had a Feldenkrais session that was particularly energizing, boy did that feel great– a freedom in body, more zest and a major shift in mood for the better. I love turning points!

Like reveling in  sunshine after a rainy day, when I weather a bit of a “crisis” I experience a shift to the better in a way that I would never feel if all always went without a hitch.

Today I continue to keep my focus on what I can do with my leg. I pay attention to what I want for myself as able-bodied. I move slowly and enjoy some new perspectives that come along with that. I make note when my mood dips and today I did some yoga and then took a movement class to help myself. It worked! Right now my recovery is stronger and I now all this will be a bit of memory very soon.

Please write with stories of recovery from injury or illness. Particularly focus on how you used your attention and consciousness, what story you tell about this, what worked for you to keep your perspective and what lifted your spirits. Send them to me at jpearl@streamofyes.com.

I benefit from experiencing things I do not prefer. I have patience and I grow more. I keep going. Thanks for reading this blog!


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