A friend spoke with me about some symptoms she is having: headaches, pains in hips. For her exercise for a few months now she’s been power-walking up a mountain near her home. When she walks, she wants to “get exercise” and “go for it”. When she mentioned how she is suffering, I recommended she shift her focus as she climbs.
How about this:
Slow Down
Sense into the Movement
Notice the transfer of weight from one leg and foot to the other
Note differences between right side and then the left.
Bring curiosity to how your arms are moving
Take rests
Enjoy the scenery with all the senses: the sounds, the smells, seeing…
Find the pleasure of moving
Every cell of your body responds to your thoughts, your attitudes. If I am getting my exercise in because I have to, if I am pushing myself, if I am rushing or driving myself, that shapes the experience down to the cellular level. For those who might have bodily conditions that he or she wish to change, I recommend considering paying more attention and taking it easier.
During 2013 I have been experiences some conditions in my legs that I prefer to alter. Also during this year the work of Moshe Feldenkrais has come into my life. Taking Feldenkrais lesson in group and individual basis I am learning how to pay more careful attention, how to slow way down. I am seeing the power of small movements, some very small indeed, to release held tensions and how, as one example, release of the pelvis frees the shoulders. Part of ourselves are so related to one another. Experience is showing me how using these techniques for a few minutes brings impressive relief and how a one hour class promotes tremendous improvement in ease and relief.
Even without pursuing classes in this specific technique, a person can help his or herself dramatically by playing with the suggestions I list above. Please play with a curious attitude. Please have more fun and take it easier. I know you will love the pay off.
If you want to share a story, comment or ask a question, please contact me at jpearl@streamofyes.com. I love to hear from you.